Python Data Structures Cheatsheet
Al Hasan Sony
You will find:
- Lists: Learn how to manipulate lists efficiently, including slicing, appending, and sorting.
- Tuples: Understand the immutability of tuples and how they differ from lists.
- Dictionaries: Master key-value pairs, dictionary methods, and efficient ways to iterate over dictionaries.
- Sets: Explore the unique features of sets, such as set operations and removing duplicates.
- Arrays: Discover how to work with arrays efficiently, including creation, manipulation, and conversion.
- Stacks: Understand the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle and implement stacks using lists or deque.
- Queues: Learn about FIFO (First In, First Out) queues and how to implement them using lists or deque.
- Linked Lists: Explore the concept of linked lists, their advantages, and implementation in Python.
- Binary Trees: Understand binary tree traversal techniques and basic operations like insertion and deletion.
- Heaps: Master heap operations such as heapify, insertion, and extraction of minimum or maximum elements.
- Graphs: Dive into graph representation, traversal algorithms like DFS and BFS, and practical applications.
589 KB
23 pages
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